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What are Networks?



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This video sheds light on the concept of healthcare networks and their impact on where you can receive medical care with your insurance plan:

  • When you enroll in a healthcare plan, you'll make a choice regarding the network you want to use. Healthcare insurance companies establish networks comprising various healthcare facilities such as hospitals, emergency rooms, pharmacies, and more.

  • These networks can range from "Skinny Networks," which include a limited group of healthcare providers like PPOs (Preferred Provider Organizations), HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations), or ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations). On the other end of the spectrum are "Open Access" networks, which offer a broader array of providers that allow you to go to more places for healthcare services.

  • The number of healthcare provider options is directly related to the cost of your insurance plan. In open access networks, where you have more choices, the monthly cost tends to be higher. Conversely, in skinny networks with fewer options, the monthly cost is typically lower.

  • This information emphasizes the importance of understanding your healthcare network options when choosing a plan, as it directly affects both the scope of care available to you and the associated cost.

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