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What's a Drug Formulary?
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This video explains the concept of a drug formulary within a healthcare plan:
A drug formulary is essentially a list of medications that a healthcare plan agrees to cover and provide to its members, resembling a menu at a restaurant but for approved medicines.
If a medication is included in the formulary, the healthcare plan will typically assist in covering the cost of that medication. However, if a medication is not on the formulary, you may need to cover the cost yourself or request your doctor to make a special request for coverage.
The composition of the formulary is determined by healthcare experts, such as doctors and pharmacists, who assess factors like a medication's effectiveness, safety, and cost. They aim to include the most effective and affordable options for treating various health conditions.
The formulary is dynamic and can change over time, with drugs being added or removed based on their effectiveness and how frequently they are prescribed within the general public.
It's important to note that drug formularies vary among insurance carriers, and each plan may have its own unique list. Therefore, it's essential to check the specific drug formulary of your insurance plan for detailed information.
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