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This video highlights the inclusion of maternity coverage as one of the "10 Essential Health Benefits" in most health insurance plans:

  • Maternity coverage is a mandatory inclusion in almost every health insurance plan offered to individuals, families, and group plans.

  • Health insurance plans typically cover a range of maternity services, including outpatient services like prenatal and postnatal doctor visits, gestational diabetes screenings, and lab studies & medications, among others.

  • Inpatient services like hospitalization and physician fees related to childbirth are also covered.

  • Newborn baby care is included in maternity coverage, ensuring that the newborn's initial medical needs are addressed.

  • Some health insurance plans may also cover lactation counseling and provide breastfeeding equipment.

  • Individuals are encouraged to take advantage of these benefits, emphasizing that they are provided for free as part of having a health insurance plan.


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