What's a Qualifying Life Event?
Benefits 101
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This video defines a "qualifying life event" (QLE) and explains its significance in the context of enrolling in employer insurance plans:
A qualifying life event (QLE) is a significant life change that allows you to enroll in your employer's insurance plans outside of the regular yearly open enrollment period.
Common examples of QLEs include marriage, divorce, the birth of a baby, job loss, turning 26, turning 65, and more.
Here’s an example: Suppose your company's open enrollment period is in January each year, but it's currently June, and you've just gotten married. Getting married is a qualifying life event, so even though it's outside the open enrollment period, you and your spouse can enroll in insurance coverage immediately.
It's emphasized that when you experience a qualifying event, any changes you wish to make must be completed within a specific timeframe, typically 30 to 60 days after the qualifying event occurs. Missing this window can affect your ability to make insurance-related changes.
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